Kuphus melitensis  Zammit Maempel, 1993
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Mollusca / Bivalvia / Myoida / Teredinidae
Kuphus melitensis     Maltese name not known
Worldwide distribution:
Frequency in Malta:
Further Information:
Fossils in Upper Coraline Limestone of an unusual bivalve mollusc related to the shipworms. Kuphus melitensis itself is extinct but there are living species of Kuphus in the Indo-Pacific Oceans. These bivalves have a minute shell that is adapted for boring and they protect the body by a covering of calcium carbonate, hence the cylindrical shape. Kuphus melitensis was first described from Malta hence the apithet by later it was found in many other places as well. Kuphus melitensis is a new teredinid bivalve from the late Oligocene lower coralline limestone of Malta.
Special contributor, data input & photos for the Mollusca section courtesy of Owen Mifsud

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